Texas is an experience steeped in tradition. It’s a place that exudes the values of freedom, integrity, family, faith, dog-eared determination and pulling yourself up by your own boot straps. The Lone Star state is often defined by the words: cattle, rodeos, oil, cowboy hats, and football and you can’t forget BBQ, chicken fried steak, fajitas and open spaces.

However, whether "born and raised," "got here as quickly as you could," or "visiting for the first time" you can't quite fully appreciate the culture until you experience what it's like to wear a good fitting pair of handmade cowboy boots.
From the ranch to the boardroom or simply for day-to-day wear, you’ll find it all whether ordering on-line or walking through the front doors of the City Ranch Boot Company in Waco, Texas.
City Ranch Boot provides the unique experience of working side by side with owner Jay Kelly to create your perfect boots. You choose the color, type of hide, boot height, stitch pattern and style of toe and heel. Personalize your boots even more by adding a company logo or the brand of your family ranch. Design a boot to honor a friend for their years of community or military service, or as an incentive for your sales team to meet their goals.
If you prefer, choose from our large selection of in-stock boots that are beautifully designed and ready-to-wear.

Hi, I’m Jay Kelly, founder and owner of City Ranch Boot and Kelly Leather Company. Before I became a "Texan," my humble beginnings started in Canton, OH. After high school I hadn’t thought much about my future but was ready for adventure. I packed up my few belongings with $500 in my pocket, a full tank of gas in my truck, and a determination to make my own way. Little did I know that my journey to Texas would lead to my destiny. In 1982 while working out at a local gym in Houston, I met Earl Campbell, now in the Hall of Fame. We struck up a conversation and due to my stature, Earl thought I played college football and asked, “where do you play?” Replying “nowhere,” he surprisingly set a time for me to meet with Fred Akers, his former head coach at the University of Texas. Through that chance of a lifetime experience, this Ohio boy found himself with a full ride to Baylor University playing football for head coach, Grant Teaff.
Because of Coach Teaff’s leadership and a heart for his players, three things happened that changed the course of my life. First, while attending a church service with the football team, I walked down the aisle in front of my teammates and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ. Secondly, I met my future wife, Terry Ann, I call her “Smalls.” And lastly in 1986 I received a college degree, an achievement I never dreamed possible.
1982 - 1986
1990 - 1997
I met and married “Smalls” who like me, also graduated from Baylor and then taught at the university for a short time.
In 1990 I was given a great opportunity as a sales associate with the John G. Mahler company, who at that time was the largest distributor of ostrich and other exotic leathers to the cowboy boot industry in the U.S. and Mexico market. That’s where it all began. Not long after that it was time to put my entrepreneurial skills to the test. The Kelly Leather Company was founded in 1997 and I began importing exotic leather from Zimbabwe and South Africa. Later, merging with a competitor, together we once again became the main supplier of exotic leather to the cowboy boot industry.
Tired of traveling, in 2017 I sold my half of the company, moved to Waco to recapture that sense of community that changed my life so many years ago. I started a unique new business called City Ranch Boot Company while still maintaining relationships with suppliers of fine leather from Zimbabwe and South Africa.
Four of our five children graduated from Baylor University, so Waco feels like home for us. Our oldest boy, Clay, wandered off to Texas A&M where he learned great leadership skills and now works in the oil and gas industry. Clay met his wife Ally in Waco while attending a Baylor football game. She was a former Baylor cheerleader and soon captured Clay’s heart. They have three little boys and live in Houston.

Katelin, our only daughter is married to Colt Houck. They have two little girls and live in Waco. He works for his three generation Waco family business, Westview Nursery. Katelin is a stay-at-home mom and Mary Kay Consultant.
Our middle son, also named “Colt,” and his wife Sarah and their baby girl are “Wacoans” as well. He’s in commercial real estate with Kelly Realtor and Sarah, a former teacher, stays home as a full-time homemaker.
Clint and Chad, the two youngest Kelly brothers, received their business degrees while playing football for BU and now have promising sales jobs in Dallas.
The Kelly family has a 40 year history in Waco and by the looks of it, a great future. What I know for sure is that I want to further the Texas tradition and experience of owning a well-made pair of boots that reflects who you are and will stand the test of time .
-Jay Kelly